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Treat yourself to your
Me - Retreat!

Coaching, movement and beautiful places for You!

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AEON Hotel

on November 16th - 20th 2023

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Immerse yourself in days full of movement, coaching and meditation based on positive psychology to gain:

  • More clarity about your strengths and goals

  • The courage to take the next steps with confidence

  • The mindfulness to find the right balance

  • Positive energy from a unique place and new encounters

"Even though I am always afraid to make mistakes, I now have found the right strategies to change direction in case my mind is sabotaging me."
"Through the coaching-sessions Bettina helped me to identify my personal strengths, interests, life-goals and needs regarding my personal evolution."

"Bettina´s support in the coaching-sessions made my situation a whole lot better. For me this is only the beginning because I want to attend more coaching-sessions as a part of my personal evolution."

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I want to attend the Me - Retreat. Please send me more Information!

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